Friday, May 2, 2008


Today is the day....Planet Smoothie has finally opened. I went in today to get a smoothie before work. As I was paying for my smoothie, I asked the guy at the register who was the brilliant person for opening up this wonderful place. He said he was. I said "thank you very much for this. I moved from Florida and was sad to find no Planet Smoothie here in Fort Worth." Also told him that I would probably be in there frequently as I really like the smoothies and that I hadn't had a Planet Smoothie since July. He said sorry to hear that and that it was no good going so long without one. He was also happy to hear that I would be in there frequently and was happy that someone was familiar with the product. I'm sure that I'll be back there tomorrow seeing that Hunter loves these smoothies also and he will be disappointed and mad with me that I went there today without him.
I normally drink my smoothie very fast but this morning I am trying to take my time with it so that I may enjoy it.
Ok...back to work and my smoothie :0)

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