Friday, March 7, 2008

It Snowed!!!

Well, it is true. It snowed yesterday. It was awesome! I am such a happy camper. I know that my sister, Marti, blames me for this snow since I was complaining about missing the snow for the season. We got about 4 inches of snow and it was good packing snow excellent for snowballs and snowmen. I wasn't quite sure how the dogs were going to react to see this much snow out there but they seemed to have enjoyed it.
Of course, the kids had fun as well. I haven't seen Tyler having soo much fun like he was yesterday making snowballs and throwing them not only at Brien but Hunter as well.

As for me, I loved every moment of it. I couldn't wait to leave school yesterday, get the kids and get home to enjoy the snow falling. Here is what our house looked like yesterday with the snow falling.
Brien had fun shoveling the edges of our driveway last night...not really. LOL. He had me lay down in the snow and make a snow angel. I also made a small snowman but it was bigger than last year's snowman. Overall, it was a great day.
I hope you enjoy the pictures. If you click on them, they take up the whole computer screen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Misti,
I am play catch-up on blogs today! I really enjoyed your fun pictures! Do you have a fireplace? I didn't notice a chimney, but that doesn't mean you don't have one in the back that I can't see in the pictures.
You are so right, you must have a snow angel and snowman if you have enough snow!!!
Love and hugs,
Mellan :)